by Claudio Castellacci e Patrizia Sanvitale

Thanks to digital communication, the world has become a vast and interconnected printing house, where everyone can become a typographer, design fonts and print books.

The advent of the computer has closed a chapter in history and opened a new one, which is still taking its first steps. From this starting point, the authors of this book have retraced the history of printing back to Gutenberg and its other great protagonists: from Giambattista Bodoni to Virginia Woolf, from Claude Garamond to Franco Maria Ricci, without forgetting the audacious experiments of the Futurists. A story packed with history, traditions, curiosities, social and cultural references, and as gripping as a novel.

Claudio Castellacci is a journalist and author of books on current affairs and culture. For many years he coordinated the international activities publishing division at RCS Media Group.

Patrizia Sanvitale is a journalist and sociologist who consults on new publishing projects with international publishers. Castellacci and Sanvitale have already written a book together entitled “Ho sognato California”, published by Rizzoli.